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:: Press Release

Grace of Allah is the one who said: "Observe the commandments of Allah and He will instruct you".
Peace and salvation on elected servant of Allah who says: "Has any person that Allah guides to the good; He will ensure adequate knowledge of Islam religion":

It is within this context that Matamoulana Educational City has the honour and pleasure to announce that it will organize its second symposium on the modernization of methods and education programmes of traditional Mahdras commonly known as traditional Mauritanian universities.

On this occasion, the preparatory committee of the symposium brings to the attention of prominent clerics-, scholars, researchers as well as educators interested in issues of teaching and education inside as outside of Mauritania -that the scientific symposium will be held on
16 to 17 October 2008.

The committee kindly requested scientists, thinkers and scholars to bless the symposium by their prayers firstly and by their scientific ideas and practical advice secondly.

The themes to be debated will be arrested as follows- God willing:

1. The reflections on a pilot kindergarten which focus on memorization of the Holy Quran teaching based on multidisciplinary studies on methods creating passion among children by motivating games and songs and abolish any kind of corporal or psychological punishment.
2. The consultation with the Oulema and scholar on the curricula of Mahdras and their compatibility with the context of modernism, however, with the aim of preserving acquired specific mahdras teachings included in the specific findings of Sheikh Khalil and debating the adequate jurisprudence of the time being.

Accordingly, your valuable opinions and advice will be expected with much interest and before September, 2008 to be taken into account by
the preparatory committee of the second scientific symposium.


For more information, please visit our site www.matamoulana.net

Or contact us by one of the following phone numbers:

00222 720 0743
00222 236 3136
00222 3330410
00222 2020847

May Allah guide our steps

For the Committee
Mohamed Hafedh Ould El Khairy
Email mhafedk@yahoo.fr



:: Press Release   


Maatamoulana, le 27 Août 2006 

Communiqué de presse 

Monsieur le Ministre du Développement Rural GANDEGA Silly a ouvert un atelier de  formation sur le maraîchage au profit de soixante agriculteurs dans les coopératives féminines locales et ceci  du 26 au 29 août 2006. Cet atelier réalisée par TERRE VIVANTE et financé par l’OADA. Dans son allocution, Monsieur le Ministre a remercié les populations de Maatamoulana au nom du Colonel Ely Ould Mohamed  Vall Président du CMJD et Chef de l’Etat. Il a dit que l’objectif de cette rencontre s’inscrit dans le cadre de renforcement de capacités, thème si cher au gouvernement de transition qui reste convaincu que sans cette modalité, aucune action de développement ne peut être durable.A son tour, le représentant  de l’Organisation Arabe pour le Développement Agricole, Monsieur Ahmed Salem Ould Ahmed a dit que cet appui vise l’encouragement et le développement rural a travers l’une des plus importantes activités de notre sécurité alimentaire : l’agriculture.Quant au Maire, Monsieur Seyid Ould MAHAM a remercié au nom des populations  tous les acteurs qui ont contribué a la réussite de cet atelier. Il a aussi démontré l’importance du secteur de l’agriculture dans la commune 

Le Responsable de la Communication 
Seyid Ould Seyid

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